Rhabarber Vanille Cocktail

Endlich ist Sommer, alles wird nach draußen verlegt, egal ob es der Sport ist, mit Freunden treffen oder Picknick.

Letzteres ist mein Favorit, und jetzt ist Zeit für ein Picknick an meinem Secret Spot, mit meinen Mädels und mit Traumaussicht über Berlin.

Der passende Drink muss her. Am besten einer, der erfrischt, Laune macht und umwerfend lecker ist. Ein Drink, der so leicht und fröhlich schmeckt wie der Sommer, während unser Blick über die pulsierende Stadt schweift. Kurz: perfekt für ein urbanes Picknick im Frühsommer.

Umso besser, dass ich mich hier mit tollen Partnern zusammentun konnte: meinen Freunden von @kitchenstories_official und dem lecker-leichten Rosesekt von @mummsekt.

Der Drink besteht aus Rhabarber, Vanille, Rosmarin und das Ganze wird dann mit Rose @mummsekt aufgegossen. Das Rezept dazu findet Ihr entweder auf @kitchenstories_official und auch hier. :)




  • 500 g Rhabarber (ungeschält)
  • 1 Vanilleschote (Mark)
  • 150 g Zucker
  • 1 Zitrone (Saft)
  • 150 ml Wasser
  • 10 ml Pink Grapefruitsaft
  • 130 ml Mumm Rosé
  • Dry Eiswürfel
  • Rosmarin zum Garnieren
  • Rhabarber zum Garnieren
  • Vanilleschote zum Garnieren


Schneidebrett, Rührschüssel, Sieb, kleiner Topf, Zitruspresse, Messer


Schritt ¼

Mark aus Vanilleschote auskratzen. Rhabarber, Zucker, Mark der Vanilleschote, die Vanilleschote selbst, Zitronensaft und Wasser in einem kleinen Topf zum Kochen bringen. Mit Deckel ca. 12 - 15 Min. auf kleiner bis mittlerer Hitze köcheln lassen, oder bis der Rhabarber weich ist.

Schritt 2/4

Die Mischung durch ein feinmaschiges Sieb passieren und Saft in einer Rührschüssel au angen. Den Rhabarber-Mix gut ausdrücken, um so viel Saft wie möglich auszupressen. Abkühlen lassen.

Schritt ¾

Rhabarber Vanille Saft und Pink Grapefruitsaft in ein Longdrinkglas gießen. Eiswürfel dazugeben und mit Mumm Rosé Dry auffüllen.

Schritt 4/4

Mit Rosmarin, Rhabarber und Vanilleschote garnieren. Prost!


Auf viele weitere sonnige und frische Morgen, heiße Tage und lange Abende, viel Zeit mit Freunden, neue Abenteuer und Genuss in unserem geliebten Berlin!

Cold cocoa 🀘🏻 with raw almond milk, raw cocoa powder, a pinch of cinnamon and sea salt. πŸ’•I used zero-cal sweetener for sweetening but honey is a perfect fit as well. This beverage is a beautiful alternative to regular iced coffee. The delicious...
Cold cocoa 🀘🏻 with raw almond milk, raw cocoa powder, a pinch of cinnamon and sea salt. πŸ’•I used zero-cal sweetener for sweetening but honey is a perfect fit as well. This beverage is a beautiful alternative to regular iced coffee. The delicious...
Cold cocoa 🀘🏻 with raw almond milk, raw cocoa powder, a pinch of cinnamon and sea salt. πŸ’•I used zero-cal sweetener for sweetening but honey is a perfect fit as well. This beverage is a beautiful alternative to regular iced coffee. The delicious...

Cold cocoa 🤘🏻 

with raw almond milk, raw cocoa powder, a pinch of cinnamon and sea salt. 💕I used zero-cal sweetener for sweetening but honey is a perfect fit as well. This beverage is a beautiful alternative to regular iced coffee. The delicious homemade local products were delivered to us at @villalumibali by @canggushop 🚙 

Mango, dragon fruit πŸ‰ and papaya popsicle! πŸ’•Less is more when you have the freshest and juiciest fruits at hand; πŸŒπŸ‰πŸ“πŸ‘πŸπŸ₯ then it’s as easy as blending the fruits to create your delicious popsicles. ❄️ Let’s Go! πŸ˜‹
Mango, dragon fruit πŸ‰ and papaya popsicle! πŸ’•Less is more when you have the freshest and juiciest fruits at hand; πŸŒπŸ‰πŸ“πŸ‘πŸπŸ₯ then it’s as easy as blending the fruits to create your delicious popsicles. ❄️ Let’s Go! πŸ˜‹
Mango, dragon fruit πŸ‰ and papaya popsicle! πŸ’•Less is more when you have the freshest and juiciest fruits at hand; πŸŒπŸ‰πŸ“πŸ‘πŸπŸ₯ then it’s as easy as blending the fruits to create your delicious popsicles. ❄️ Let’s Go! πŸ˜‹

Mango, dragon fruit 🐉 and papaya popsicle! 💕

Less is more when you have the freshest and juiciest fruits at hand; 🍌🍉🍓🍑🍍🥝 then it’s as easy as blending the fruits to create your delicious popsicles. ❄️ Let’s Go! 😋
Fresh coconuts every day…. what else do you need in life πŸŒžπŸ’πŸ»πŸŒ΄
#summervibes #delicious #yummy #healthy #healthyfood #healthychoice #healthyeating #cleaneating #vegan #drink #coconut #love (hier: Villa Lumi)
Fresh coconuts every day…. what else do you need in life πŸŒžπŸ’πŸ»πŸŒ΄
#summervibes #delicious #yummy #healthy #healthyfood #healthychoice #healthyeating #cleaneating #vegan #drink #coconut #love (hier: Villa Lumi)
Fresh coconuts every day…. what else do you need in life πŸŒžπŸ’πŸ»πŸŒ΄
#summervibes #delicious #yummy #healthy #healthyfood #healthychoice #healthyeating #cleaneating #vegan #drink #coconut #love (hier: Villa Lumi)

Fresh coconuts every day…. what else do you need in life 🌞💁🏻🌴

#summervibes #delicious #yummy #healthy #healthyfood #healthychoice #healthyeating #cleaneating #vegan #drink #coconut #love (hier: Villa Lumi)

Vanilla Semolina Pudding Is the most delicious and yummy breakfast on the whole planet ☝🏻
Let’s go for it πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳Ingredients:
⁃50 g semolina
⁃500 ml low-fat milk
⁃25 g erythritol sugar
⁃Pinch of salt
⁃1 tsp. ground vanilla
⁃2 egg whites
⁃Some berries...
Vanilla Semolina Pudding Is the most delicious and yummy breakfast on the whole planet ☝🏻
Let’s go for it πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳Ingredients:
⁃50 g semolina
⁃500 ml low-fat milk
⁃25 g erythritol sugar
⁃Pinch of salt
⁃1 tsp. ground vanilla
⁃2 egg whites
⁃Some berries...
Vanilla Semolina Pudding Is the most delicious and yummy breakfast on the whole planet ☝🏻
Let’s go for it πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳Ingredients:
⁃50 g semolina
⁃500 ml low-fat milk
⁃25 g erythritol sugar
⁃Pinch of salt
⁃1 tsp. ground vanilla
⁃2 egg whites
⁃Some berries...

Vanilla Semolina Pudding

Is the most delicious and yummy breakfast on the whole planet ☝🏻
Let’s go for it 👩🏻‍🍳

⁃50 g semolina
⁃500 ml low-fat milk
⁃25 g erythritol sugar
⁃Pinch of salt
⁃1 tsp. ground vanilla
⁃2 egg whites
⁃Some berries for a topping 🍓
⁃Bring the milk, erythritol, a pinch of salt and the vanilla to a boil.
⁃Add the semolina and mix around in the milk.
⁃Bring to a boil, lower the heat and let simmer for 15 min until the mass is thick. Make
sure it doesn’t burn.

⁃Separate the egg whites and beat until stiff.
⁃Fold the beaten egg whites into the semolina pudding.
⁃Serve in a bowl, add your toppings and enjoy warm.

Went wild at the Asia Shop πŸŽŠπŸŽŽπŸŽπŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳🎏🎎🎊
Went wild at the Asia Shop πŸŽŠπŸŽŽπŸŽπŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳🎏🎎🎊
Went wild at the Asia Shop πŸŽŠπŸŽŽπŸŽπŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳🎏🎎🎊

Went wild at the Asia Shop 🎊🎎🎏👩🏻‍🍳🎏🎎🎊

Creamy Rhubarb Popsicle 🍑I love rhubarb. πŸ’•I recently started making my own rhubarb juice so the logical next step is freezing it and preparing my own popsicle πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳Ingredients:
• 500 g rhubarb (not peeled)
• 150 g erythritol low-cal sugar
• Pulp of ½...
Creamy Rhubarb Popsicle 🍑I love rhubarb. πŸ’•I recently started making my own rhubarb juice so the logical next step is freezing it and preparing my own popsicle πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳Ingredients:
• 500 g rhubarb (not peeled)
• 150 g erythritol low-cal sugar
• Pulp of ½...
Creamy Rhubarb Popsicle 🍑I love rhubarb. πŸ’•I recently started making my own rhubarb juice so the logical next step is freezing it and preparing my own popsicle πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳Ingredients:
• 500 g rhubarb (not peeled)
• 150 g erythritol low-cal sugar
• Pulp of ½...

Creamy Rhubarb Popsicle 🍡

I love rhubarb. 💕I recently started making my own rhubarb juice so the logical next step is freezing it and preparing my own popsicle 👩🏻‍🍳


  • 500 g rhubarb (not peeled) 
  • 150 g erythritol low-cal sugar 
  • Pulp of ½ vanilla bean
  • Lemon juice
  • 150 ml water 
  • 6 tbsp. Curd cheese  20 %
  • Dark chocolate
  • Pistachio (for decoration)
  • 5 cinnamon sticks


  • Put all ingredients in a pot, pot its lid on top. Let it sizzle until the rhubarb is soft.
  • Put a dish towel in a (clean and) fine-meshed sieve and press the mass through it to jet the rhubarb juice.
  • You’ll end up with about 600 ml fine rhubarb juice.
  • Refine the curd cheese with erythritol and vanilla, then cream it.
  • Now, fill your curd cheese in ice trays until they are half-full and put the cinnamon sticks inside because wer’re going to use them as our ice cream stick. (In case they don’t hold: I used clothespins to hold them steady.)
  • Put the trays in the freezer for about 30 minutes, then take them out and fill them up with rhubarb juice. 
  • Put them back in the freezer for at least 3 hours.
  • Optionally you can add chocolate sauce and pistachios as decoration.


πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳Asparagus with ramson sauce topping🌱Back home, we’ve always loved asparagus season and we ate asparagus as often as possible. ☺️Even today, when I visit my folks at home during asparagus season I very often look forward to eating asparagus for...
πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳Asparagus with ramson sauce topping🌱Back home, we’ve always loved asparagus season and we ate asparagus as often as possible. ☺️Even today, when I visit my folks at home during asparagus season I very often look forward to eating asparagus for...
πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳Asparagus with ramson sauce topping🌱Back home, we’ve always loved asparagus season and we ate asparagus as often as possible. ☺️Even today, when I visit my folks at home during asparagus season I very often look forward to eating asparagus for...

👩🏻‍🍳Asparagus with ramson sauce topping🌱

Back home, we’ve always loved asparagus season and we ate asparagus as often as possible. ☺️Even today, when I visit my folks at home during asparagus season I very often look forward to eating asparagus for lunch. Yum! I love traditions and I believe one should honor them and keep them up! ☝🏻 Also, asparagus is pretty good for dewatering, i.e. losing a bit surplus water. But I am sure this is something that everyone has noticed after having eaten asparagus. 😉


  • 1.5 kg asparagus
  • Salt, sugar (or stevia)
  • 2 tbsp. vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil
  • Pepper
  • Liquid stevia (or sugar) for further (low-cal) sweetening
  • ramson/ wild garlic sauce or pesto

Preparation – as easy as possible:

  • Peel the asparagus (as usual)
  • Cook them in salted water with a bit of sugar.
  • Pour off and slice them.
  • Season to taste with vinegar, lemon juice, salt and a bit of sugar (I prefer liquid stevia!)
  • Let it sit for 1 hour. ⁃Then taste it again and season to taste. You might want to add a bit of pepper on top.
  • Sprinkle a bit of ramson sauce on top.


Long time no see. 😘My big love.
The best green smoothie in the 🌎.
• 170 g frozen spinach
• 100 g banana
• 20 g ginger
• 20 g linseed
• 30 g protein powder
• 1 heaping tbsp. cinnamon
• 1 level tbsp. psyllium husks
• 200 ml natural almond...
Long time no see. 😘My big love.
The best green smoothie in the 🌎.
• 170 g frozen spinach
• 100 g banana
• 20 g ginger
• 20 g linseed
• 30 g protein powder
• 1 heaping tbsp. cinnamon
• 1 level tbsp. psyllium husks
• 200 ml natural almond...
Long time no see. 😘My big love.
The best green smoothie in the 🌎.
• 170 g frozen spinach
• 100 g banana
• 20 g ginger
• 20 g linseed
• 30 g protein powder
• 1 heaping tbsp. cinnamon
• 1 level tbsp. psyllium husks
• 200 ml natural almond...

Long time no see. 😘My big love.

The best green smoothie in the 🌎.


  • 170 g frozen spinach 
  • 100 g banana 
  • 20 g ginger 
  • 20 g linseed 
  • 30 g protein powder 
  • 1 heaping tbsp. cinnamon 
  • 1 level tbsp. psyllium husks 
  • 200 ml natural almond milk 
  • 200 g low-fat curd 
  • 25 g honey


  • Start by placing the spinach in a blender (your ideal blender is narrow and tall and not 
  • too wide so you get a nice light and fluffy smoothie.) 👩🏻‍🍳
  • Peel the ginger, coarsely chop it and put it in the mixer. Do the same with the banana, 
  • linseed, cinnamon, psyllium husks, and all the other ingredients. 
  • Mix well until you’ve got a fluffy mass. 👨🏼‍🍳

Important: enjoy your smoothie while its fresh.

Have fun. 💕🙆🏻💕

“Fast” Asparagus Soup 🍲My mom showed me this recipe many years ago and I loved the creative reuse of the asparagus leftovers: πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳You can prepare a tasty soup with the leftovers after peeling asparagus. Here’s how. 🍽
• Keep the brew that you cooked...
“Fast” Asparagus Soup 🍲My mom showed me this recipe many years ago and I loved the creative reuse of the asparagus leftovers: πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳You can prepare a tasty soup with the leftovers after peeling asparagus. Here’s how. 🍽
• Keep the brew that you cooked...
“Fast” Asparagus Soup 🍲My mom showed me this recipe many years ago and I loved the creative reuse of the asparagus leftovers: πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳You can prepare a tasty soup with the leftovers after peeling asparagus. Here’s how. 🍽
• Keep the brew that you cooked...

“Fast” Asparagus Soup 🍲

My mom showed me this recipe many years ago and I loved the creative reuse of the asparagus leftovers: 👩🏻‍🍳You can prepare a tasty soup with the leftovers after peeling asparagus. Here’s how. 🍽

  • Keep the brew that you cooked the asparagus in and boil up the peels. Let it stay and refine for a while. 
  • Then take out the peels and add flavor with a bit of vegetable stock or salt and pepper. 🥄
  • Then refine with 2-3 tbsp. of cream or milk. 🥛Add a bit of lemon juice🍋, a pinch of sugar and season to taste with a bit of white wine. 
  • Finally and optionally, you can condensate the soup a bit with flour or agar-agar. Boil it up again and done!

Enjoy! ✨👩🏻‍🍳✨

Strawberry Rhubarb Smoothie πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“Now that my Dan has become addicted to my Strawberry Ice Smoothie (and rightly so, it’s delicious! ☺️) and enjoys one almost every day, I try to change things up once in a while so we can experiment with slightly...
Strawberry Rhubarb Smoothie πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“Now that my Dan has become addicted to my Strawberry Ice Smoothie (and rightly so, it’s delicious! ☺️) and enjoys one almost every day, I try to change things up once in a while so we can experiment with slightly...
Strawberry Rhubarb Smoothie πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“Now that my Dan has become addicted to my Strawberry Ice Smoothie (and rightly so, it’s delicious! ☺️) and enjoys one almost every day, I try to change things up once in a while so we can experiment with slightly...

Strawberry Rhubarb Smoothie 🍓🍓🍓

Now that my Dan has become addicted to my Strawberry Ice Smoothie (and rightly so, it’s delicious! ☺️) and enjoys one almost every day, I try to change things up once in a while so we can experiment with slightly altered tastes etc. Fitting this season, today I added rhubarb!💁🏻 


  • 100 g frozen strawberries
  • 1 rhubarb stick
  • 50 ml soy cream
  • 1 tsp. psyllium husks
  • 150 ml natur almond
  • 30 g protein powder (vanilla taste)
  • ⅓ core of a vanilla bean
  • Sweeten with stevia


Put the ingredients in the above order in your blender and mix until everything is creamy.✨ 

Rhubarb Easter Cake

Tomorrow the easter holidays start. ✨🐰✨

It is time for some cake 🤘🏻🌸🍰🌸🤘🏻

 enjoy 🙆🏻

Algae Tagliatelle with fresh tuna
πŸ‰πŸŸπŸ‰Algae pasta is my personal superfood. I try eating algae at least a few times per week. πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳They will generously provide my body with much needed Omega 3 fat acids and make you happy and healthy. The sour lemon...
Algae Tagliatelle with fresh tuna
πŸ‰πŸŸπŸ‰Algae pasta is my personal superfood. I try eating algae at least a few times per week. πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳They will generously provide my body with much needed Omega 3 fat acids and make you happy and healthy. The sour lemon...
Algae Tagliatelle with fresh tuna
πŸ‰πŸŸπŸ‰Algae pasta is my personal superfood. I try eating algae at least a few times per week. πŸ‘©πŸ»‍🍳They will generously provide my body with much needed Omega 3 fat acids and make you happy and healthy. The sour lemon...

Algae Tagliatelle with fresh tuna

Algae pasta is my personal superfood. I try eating algae at least a few times per week. 👩🏻‍🍳They will generously provide my body with much needed Omega 3 fat acids and make you happy and healthy. The sour lemon 🍋sauce is a perfect fit and the fresh fish is a tasty and light addition. It doesn’t get much better than this! 👯


  • 250 g fresh tuna filet
  • 100 g algae noodles
  • ½ Spanish onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • ½ bouillon cube
  • Juice of ½ organic “bio” lemon
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • lemon zest
  • ½ tsp. ginger powder
  • 2 tsp. wasabi paste
  • 3 pinches of sugar
  • 1 tsp. spelt flour
  • 2 tbsp. cream
  • Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 2 tbsp. sesame


  • Soak the algae in water for about 1 hour.
  • Cube the onions and garlic and gently steam them in a pan with a bit of olive oil.
  • Dissolve the bouillon cube in 200 ml warm water and deglaze with the lemon and lime juice.
  • Flavor with lemon zest, ginger powder, wasabi paste and sugar.
  • Slightly thicken the sauce using flour and let it sit and brew at low heat.
  • Roast the tuna filets in a pan with oil and on both sides. Flavor with salt and pepper.
  • Cube the fish, arrange the noodles and spread the fish on top. Top it off with sesame.
  • Enjoy!💃🏻
Nana Ann’s Quarkdatschgerl βœ¨πŸ‘΅πŸ»βœ¨My darling @annkuenmuse I had the pleasure of filming in Paris πŸ₯–πŸ‡«πŸ‡· (I posted the video on my personal account @annemueh) asked me to reinterpret her grandma’s “Quarkdatschgerl” recipe to make it low-carb. 🀘🏻So much fun...
Nana Ann’s Quarkdatschgerl βœ¨πŸ‘΅πŸ»βœ¨My darling @annkuenmuse I had the pleasure of filming in Paris πŸ₯–πŸ‡«πŸ‡· (I posted the video on my personal account @annemueh) asked me to reinterpret her grandma’s “Quarkdatschgerl” recipe to make it low-carb. 🀘🏻So much fun...
Nana Ann’s Quarkdatschgerl βœ¨πŸ‘΅πŸ»βœ¨My darling @annkuenmuse I had the pleasure of filming in Paris πŸ₯–πŸ‡«πŸ‡· (I posted the video on my personal account @annemueh) asked me to reinterpret her grandma’s “Quarkdatschgerl” recipe to make it low-carb. 🀘🏻So much fun...

Nana Ann’s Quarkdatschgerl ✨👵🏻✨

My darling @annkuenmuse I had the pleasure of filming in Paris 🥖🇫🇷 (I posted the video on my personal account @annemueh) asked me to reinterpret her grandma’s “Quarkdatschgerl” recipe to make it low-carb. 🤘🏻So much fun – and thank you Ann for sharing this beautiful recipe with me. 😘

Ingredients: 👩🏻‍🍳

  • 100 g low-fat curd cheese (Magerquark)
  • Ca. 40-50 ml natur unsweetend almond milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 60 g almond meal
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Erythrit sugar as much as you like
  • ½ tsp. vanilla
  • Coconut oil for frying
  • Optional: cinnamon and Erythrit sugar for serving)

Mix the low-fat curd cheese, almond milk and eggs really well, then add the remaining ingredients. The dough should be a bit more “firm” than pancake dough. Let the dough stay for a bit. Then heat a bit of coconut oil in a pan. Then, one by one, add a spoonful of dough and bake at low to medium heat until golden-brown.
